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Explore Our Pricing Plans

Use this area to describe one of your memberships.

  • Hosting website

    2 000kr
    Starting plan for hosting and creation of new serverless static website on aws cloud.
    Valid for 3 months
    • I'm a benefit
    • I'm a benefit
  • Maintenance and support

    Every month
    To keep your website update and reachable. you may required 24x7 autopilot monitoring and support
     7 day free trial
    • Setup aws cloud account
    • Billing and payment triggers
    • Monitoring dashboards
    • Automated deployment on code change
  • Best Value

    Migrate to Cloud

    1 299kr
    You have website hosted on onprem or other platform and you want to migrate to aws cloud
    Valid for 3 months
    • Setup aws account for hosting
    • Billing and payments triggers
    • Traffic analysis
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